I Tried an Aquis Microfiber Hair Towel for Healthier Hair—Here’s What Happened
A microfiber hair towel absorbs moisture from wet hair and is supposed to help prevent frizz, breakage, and split ends. I've been using the Aquis hair towel for six months—here's what I discovered.

13 Stylist-Approved Tricks for Having the Shiniest Hair Ever
Want gorgeously glossy locks? Here's what hair experts say you should be doing.

Here’s How to Properly Wash Your Hair
Hair washing might not be as easy as lather, rinse, and repeat. Here's how to properly wash your hair with...

20 Reasons for Your Itchy Scalp (Besides Head Lice)
A little itch is nothing to be concerned about, but if you can’t stop scratching your head, here are some...

Dandruff vs. Dry Scalp: An Expert Doctor Explains the Difference
Research shows dandruff affects up to 50% of the global population at some point. A leading dermatologist says dandruff vs....

More Than 900,000 Bottles of a Popular Shampoo Brand Recalled in 31 States
It's a favorite among consumers as well as stylists, but the company has acknowledged it may harbor a contaminant that...

Recall of 7 Major Shampoo Brands in 43 States Warns of Toxin Risk
These products are created for effortless convenience, and they come with an impressive shelf life—but an alert on more than...

20 Hairstyle Mistakes That Could Make You Look Older
Aging can be a beautiful fact of life—but there's no need to rush it. Slow things down by avoiding hairstyles...

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Go to Bed With Wet Hair
It may seem harmless, but going to bed with wet hair can cause a lot more damage to your...

What Is Hair Cycling, the Latest Viral Trend?
Dermatologists weigh in on the efficacy of the popular beauty routine.

People Are Raving About Using Rosemary Oil to Promote Hair Growth–But Does It Actually Work?
Experts weigh in on the latest natural beauty trend.

This Is What Your Hair Color Reveals About Your Health
Whether it's dyed or you're a natural, your hair color can provide important clues about your overall health—from vitamin deficiencies...

Yes, ‘Hair Botox’ Exists, but It’s Not What It Sounds Like
When you hear 'hair Botox,' you may wonder if our youth-obsessed culture has gone a step too far in the...

I Tried Hairstory Nontoxic Shampoo—and I No Longer Need Conditioner
A nontoxic shampoo helps remove oil and grease while moisturizing. I've been using the Hairstory New Wash for six months—here's...

Does Shaving Make Hair Thicker?
If you opt to remove excess body hair, you likely do so hoping it doesn't come back thicker or darker....

Why Do We Have Pubic Hair? What to Know Before Trimming It
Protection, comfort, and sex appeal—these are just some of the reasons we have pubic hair

Here’s How Often You Really Should Be Washing Your Hair
Do you really know how often your hair needs to be washed? Experts say...

9 Tricks to Stretch the Time Between Your Hair Color Appointments
Hair experts share their tips for how to keep your hair color looking fresher and brighter for longer when...

How to Fix Damaged Hair with Items You Already Have at Home
These inexpensive at-home tricks will fix your brittle, damaged, dry locks, leaving you with gorgeous, healthy hair.

Healthy Hair Tips: 18 Natural Masks, Treatments, and Tricks to Add Shine, Fight Frizz, and Prevent D...
You can stop splurging on expensive hair products—the key to shiny, healthy hair may be as close as your kitchen...

7 Sneaky Reasons Your Hair Is Going Gray Too Soon
If you're looking in the mirror and wondering what causes gray hair, here are the factors that can play a...

The Nutrient Deficiency That Could Be Causing Your Hair Loss
Getting a little bare up there? It could be because of your diet, experts say.

5 Dandruff Causes That Have Nothing to Do with Dry Skin
Contrary to popular belief, dandruff is not caused by dry scalp. Here are some of the true dandruff causes that...

How to Get Rid of Dandruff: 5 Natural Treatments
Skip the dandruff shampoo and try these homemade dandruff treatments to banish those pesky white flakes.

This Is How Bad It Is to Sleep with Wet Hair
It's time to reconsider hopping into bed with soaking wet hair

6 Surprising Things a Beard Can Reveal About Your Health
Your beard is trying to tell you something about your health. Are you listening?

18 Bad Habits That Are Thinning Your Hair
Using the wrong styling products and too-tight hairstyles are just two everyday activities that can cause thinning hair. Find...

7 Sneaky Reasons Your Hair Is Falling Out
Hair shedding is natural. You lose anywhere from 50 to 100 strands of hair per day. But if you notice...

7 Nighttime Habits that Ruin Your Hair
Your beauty sleep could be getting in the way of having healthy, luscious hair.

The Best Dandruff Shampoos You Can Buy
Dandruff is embarrassing and can be intensely itchy. Finding relief starts with understanding what's causing it, then using the right...