7 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Gel Manicure
Gel manicures offer a long-lasting, mega-watt shine. But are they safe? Do they destroy your nails? Here's what to know.

Are UV Nail Lamps Safe? What to Know When Getting a Gel Manicure
A new study from the University of San Diego highlights the dangers of the machines' UV rays.

The Worst Pedicure Mistake Doctors Say You Can Make
Keep your toes in tip-top shape by following this expert-advised golden rule. Plus, shop our vetted list of...

6 Causes of Yellow Toenails and Treatments That Help
From toenail fungus to certain types of nail polish, these are the causes—and how to get rid of—yellow toenails.

Here’s What It Means if You Have White Spots on Your Nails
White spots on your fingernails or toenails, called leukonychia, can have a variety of causes—from simply hitting your nail to...

How Bad Is It to Bite Your Nails?
Experts explain why you shouldn't brush off your nail biting habit.

Here’s What It Means If You Have Ridges on Your Nails
They don't make for the prettiest of manicures, but are they something more than a cosmetic problem? Here's what a...

9 Easy Ways to Grow Strong, Beautiful Nails
Say goodbye to weak and brittle nails with these easy techniques that anyone can nail. (See what we did there?)

7 Everyday Habits You Didn’t Know Were Ruining Your Nails
The source of your brittle nails could be your daily routine.

What Your Nail Biting Habit Really Says About Your Personality
Hint: It goes beyond coping with stress and anxiety.

How to Finally Stop Biting Your Nails
This common nervous habit can leave your nails mangled, sore, and prone to infection. Here's how to stop biting nails...

16 Things Your Manicurist Is Secretly Thinking About You
From hygiene tips to dishy gossip: Everything your nail technician wishes they could say but doesn't.

7 Things Your Nails Can Reveal About Your Health
Changes to the shape, color, and texture of your nails are sometimes a sign of something serious.

10 Surprising Conditions Your Hands Might Predict
From finger length to grip strength, our hands can indicate risk factors for a number of surprising conditions.

11 Health Secrets Your Hands Are Trying to Tell You
Give them a once-over. From a weak grip to long fingers and rashes to nail problems, your mitts are sending...

The Most Toxic Ingredients in Your Nail Polish—and Safer Formulas to Try Instead
You may love a smooth, shiny mani, but it's time to take a hard look at the potentially toxic ingredients...

The Scary Thing Nail Polish Does to Your Body 10 Hours After You Apply It
This is bad news for all you devoted mani-pedi lovers out there.

Warning: Many Nail Salons Are Using This Cancer-Causing (and Widely Illegal!) Ingredient
You need to be aware of some serious dangers in the nail industry.

The Truth on What Collagen Really Does for Your Skin, Hair, and Bone Health
Collagen pills are hailed by some as elixirs for skin, hair, and nail health. But do they actually work, or...

13 Tips to Get Healthy, Gorgeous Nails
From what to eat for beautiful nails to how to file them to perfection.

What to Eat for Pretty Nails
From our newly revised best-selling book, Foods that Harm, Foods that Heal: These foods beat dry, brittle nails and restore...

Quick Tips for Healthy Hair and Strong Nails
Hair Wash your hair in Listerine. Why? Because your hair stinks. No, not really. Turns out that Listerine is an