At age 60, funny lady Sykes gets serious about her breast cancer journey and discusses life as a wife, mom, and professional.

Wanda Sykes on Being a Champion of Women’s Health

Research has shown that in fact, laughter is good medicine—and arguably, it’s a remedy we all need more of right now. Comedienne Wanda Sykes is just what the doctor ordered as part of a Novartis campaign titled “Your Attention, Please,” which aims to confront society’s focus on women’s bodies, and bring breast health to the forefront of the popular culture.
Given the data suggesting that half of 2024’s 130 million Super Bowl viewers were women, the Netflix special headliner who also currently stars in The Upshaws is helping to bring awareness to breast cancer statistics: One in eight women will face breast cancer in her lifetime.
Here, Sykes opens up about how her own early-stage breast cancer was discovered—and thank goodness, her take on even this made us laugh.
This interview has been edited for length.
The Healthy by Reader’s Digest: Let’s talk about your involvement in this campaign. It’s definitely a different vibe from some of the other breast cancer initiatives we’ve seen, in a really cool way, and we love that it’s part of the Super Bowl.
Wanda Sykes: There’s going to be a lot of [attention] on the Super Bowl and a lot of attention on breasts….and that’s why I really wanted to be a part of the campaign, because there is so much attention paid to breasts, and I think it’s a really cool way to say, Hey, how about let’s focus on the health of breasts?, because that is a huge problem. As a breast cancer survivor, it definitely spoke to me because I was one of the lucky ones to have mine diagnosed at a very early stage, and that’s the thing—we’re trying to get the message out to women: Get screened, [and] early detection is key. I’m excited to be a part of it.
The Healthy: We’re fans but didn’t realize you’d experienced breast cancer. Did you catch it through a routine mammogram?
Wanda Sykes: Well, here’s the thing. Like I said, we’re at such a focus on breasts. I had really big breasts and they were giving me a problem, so I had a breast reduction, and it was through the pathology of that tissue that it was discovered that I had DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ), which is a stage zero breast cancer. I was so fortunate to have [caught] at such an early stage where I was able to take care of it. I have a strong history of breast cancer on my mother’s side—I lost a lot of aunts and first cousins, so I didn’t hesitate and I opted for the bilateral mastectomy.
The Healthy: Wow, what a story. Thank you for bringing awareness.
Wanda Sykes: I always say: “My big boobs saved my life!”
The Healthy: We need laughter right now! With all that’s going on in the world, do you feel like laughter is a good medicine?
Wanda Sykes: Well, definitely my sense of humor, and laughter, and friends around me helped me get through my journey with breast cancer. So I think laughter definitely is—I believe it’s been scientifically proven that there’s different…hormones are released or whatever through laughter that are healthy. So, yeah, we do need some more laughter. And I think the campaign has a humorous slant to it with all the breasts and “Your Attention Please.” Let’s talk about the health of breasts!
The Healthy: We know you have a family and kids, and are a busy professional, so what does being healthy mean to you? How do you prioritize wellness?
Wanda Sykes: Getting rest, getting sleep, which I think we all struggle with, right? For me, getting my rest and trying to—especially now, I’m in my sixties—eat better and just exercise. Just listen to your body, also. Just be aware, and that’s why screening is incredibly important, just to stay on top of your health.

The Healthy: Is there any message that you would want to send to women in general right now?
Wanda Sykes: Well, I would say one in eight women, someone’s going to experience breast cancer. That’s one in eight, and that’s [a] high number. I think we all probably know someone, if it’s not ourselves, who are going through it, so that’s why it’s important to get screened and early detection. And studies have shown that women who have early detection, like myself, the rates are 99% of survival, which is great. It is not as scary as it used to be with treatment, so the job is just to stay ahead of it and to stay aware, and to get checked and get your screenings, and you can beat it.
The Healthy: Last question: What is one self-care habit you refuse to skip?
Wanda Sykes: When I need a nap, I got to get a nap. Naps are important. Sometimes I go to the movies just to get a nap!
The Healthy: What kind of movie do you go see for that?
Wanda Sykes: It doesn’t matter—a long one. I was like, “Oh, Wicked, three hours? This is for me!”
For more wellness updates, subscribe to The Healthy by Reader’s Digest newsletter and follow The Healthy on Facebook and Instagram. Keep reading:
- Beyoncé’s Dad, Mathew Knowles, Opens Up on Recovering from Male Breast Cancer
- Taylor Swift’s NFL Jacket Designer, Kristin Juszczyk, Opens Up About Losing Her Mom to Breast Cancer
- ‘Here’s How I Knew I Had Breast Cancer’: One Survivor’s Story Following a Slightly Delayed Mammogram
- New Research: Having This Chronic Condition May Actually Help Prevent Breast Cancer
With additional reporting by Molly Jasinski.