My “Menopause” Symptoms Turned Out to Be Cervical Cancer
Carol Lacey wasn't worried about her symptoms, but she soon realized how serious they were.

Death Risk from This Cancer Reduces 40% with New Treatment, a 10-Year Study Has Found
Statistics show this women's cancer previously took an average of 4,300 lives per year. Here's how new research is making...

Here’s What to Know About Cervical Cancer Symptoms, Screenings, and Treatment, Say Expert Doctors
Here are the symptoms, treatments, and causes of cervical cancer, which expert doctors say is among the top five female...

“Here’s How I Knew I Had Cervical Cancer”: One Survivor’s Story of Discoveri...
Cervical cancer symptoms might not present in the ways you'd be inclined to guess. One woman's story highlights how important...

7 Early Signs of Cervical Cancer, According to an OBGYN
Once a leading cause of death among women, cervical cancer now presents a different story, thanks in part to...

Doctors Say Knowing About This Vaccine Could Cut Your Cancer Risk Significantly
The HPV vaccine has become available to more patients in recent years. The bad news? Many patients who could benefit...

HPV and Mental Health: OB-GYNs Report How Stress Affects Your Cervical Cancer Risk
These doctors specializing in women's health—including a gynecological cancer doctor—say that when you take care of your mind, you're taking...

I Have High-Risk HPV. Now What? Doctors Share Advice (and Assurance)
Eighty percent of adults will be exposed to HPV, sometimes linked with cancer. Doctors say you should stay encouraged, even...

How Often Should You Get a Pap Smear?
Pap smears can save lives. Find out what a Pap smear is and what it tests for, as well as...

Do Pap Smears Hurt? How to Make Pap Smears More Comfortable
Pap smears shouldn't hurt. If you experience discomfort, our expert tips will help make sure your next Pap is more...

After an Abnormal Pap: 4 Things You Should Do Next
An abnormal Pap test result doesn’t have to be scary when you know the right steps to take

10 Myths About HPV That Could Damage Your Health
Get the real facts about human papillomavirus (HPV): how HPV is spread, the risks of infection, and the benefits of...

8 Silent Signs of Cervical Cancer You Should Never Ignore
Cervical cancer can often be prevented with routine Pap smears, HPV vaccinations, and regular gynecological exams. But about 13,000 new...

29 Things Doctors Wish You Knew About Cervical Cancer
Between the HPV vaccine and new screening methods, there's more protection from cervical cancer than ever before—but you need to...