If you think you can get away with skipping out on wearing your Invisalign without your doc noticing, think again.
11 Things Your Orthodontist Won’t Tell You

Protecting your pearly whites
Your smile is one of the first things somebody notices about you, and seeing an orthodontist practically ensures you’ll always have straight, pearly whites. At least, that’s the idea. But as with any other doctor, your orthodontist has some things they wish you knew, but probably won’t ever tell you. (By the way, you’ll definitely want to follow these 10 rules for white, healthy teeth.)

Someone else might have used your braces before you
Apparently, the mantra “reduce, reuse, recycle,” applies to braces as well as plastic bags and soda bottles. Some orthodontists cut down on waste—and costs—by recycling dental appliances. Companies such as Ortho-Cycle clean, inspect, sort, and decontaminate previously used metal brackets so that they are safe to use again.

We know when you haven’t been wearing your Invisalign
Despite how persistent you are when you tell your orthodontist you’ve been actively wearing your Invisalign, they’ll know the truth right away. “We know if you haven’t been wearing your Invisalign because of a cool feature on the aligners,” says Matthew LoPresti, DDS, a cosmetic dentist in Stamford, Connecticut. “There are little blue marks towards the back of your aligners that should wear away as you wear the Invisalign. If the blue mark looks untouched, we know you haven’t been wearing the aligners.” Read about the 11 things your dentist needs you to start doing differently.

Your treatment might take longer than what we initially tell you

Our fees might be negotiable

You have to wear retainers after you complete your treatment—forever
If you think you’re done with orthodontics after you finish your treatment, think again. “A retainer holds your teeth in place. After you complete Invisalign or any orthodontics, it is necessary to hold those teeth in place,” says Dr. LoPresti. “There are different options which include a removable clear retainer that is worn at night or a permanent fixed retainer that gets bonded to the back of your teeth.”

We know when you’re lying about wearing your retainer
Not only do you have to wear a retainer after you complete your treatment, but your orthodontist will definitely know if you’ve really been keeping up with it. “Patients that complete their advised treatment and achieve their desired result, but then fail to wear their retainers generally have teeth that drift apart,” says Timothy Chase, DMD, a co-founder of SmilesNY in New York City. “This can cause a relapse such as crowding, spacing or flaring of the teeth.” (Whatever you do, never ignore these 9 symptoms of a cavity.)

We know when you eat or drink with your Invisalign in
It might seem harmless to eat or drink with your aligners in, but you won’t be fooling your orthodontist. “When patients who eat or drink liquids (other than water) come in to see me, their Invisalign trays are often slimy, dirty, and stained,” says Dr. Chase. “Not only does this result in a cosmetically undesirable appearance to the aligners, but it also damages them and can lead to decay.”

Braces aren’t just a cosmetic treatment

We know you don’t floss or brush as much as you say you do
Remember all those times you lied to your dentist or orthodontist when they asked if you’ve been flossing? Yeah… they knew you weren’t. “Those who do not brush and floss properly generally have a higher incidence of plaque calculus, gingivitis, and tooth decay,” says Dr. Chase. “A single day of forgetting to floss is damaging, but a week or a month of poor hygiene will result in swelling of the gums, bleeding and a foul odor.” (This is the easiest way to get rid of bad breath, according to a dentist.)

Even if you don’t think your child needs orthodontics, get them checked out anyway

If you smoke, your treatment might take longer
In case you needed more of a reason to not smoke, it might actually cause you to need to make more trips to your orthodontist’s office. “Smokers give away their habit because of the excessive plaque that builds up on their teeth,” according to Dr. Chase. “This can have a big impact on orthodontic appliances used to straighten teeth and result in a longer treatment period.” Next, learn 13 things your dentist wants you to know.