From villain to hero...the egg has resurged as a nutritional powerhouse. Here's a look at what was so long considered its fall.

Here’s How Much Fat Is in an Egg

Eggs very well may be one of the most versatile foods within the American diet. Whether you like them poached, scrambled or folded into your favorite cake recipe, eggs have found their place as a staple within our diets for centuries…and for good reason. Eggs contain an array of important nutrients, including all nine essential amino acids, high-quality protein and a host of vitamins and minerals. In fact, eggs are one of the groceries on a cardiologist’s shopping list.
Unfortunately, eggs have also endured a turbulent past. Due to the higher cholesterol levels contained within the yolk (185 milligrams per large egg), eggs battled through a period where recommendations have been aimed at limiting the daily consumption. Such was that case in 1968, when the American Heart Association advised that Americans limit their intake to no more than three whole eggs per week.
Since then, eggs have rebounded in their reputation, and more recent studies, like a 2020 study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, have shown there to be “no significant association found between egg consumption and mortality in US adults,” while the most recent Dietary Guidelines for American’s state that eggs can indeed be part of a healthy diet.
Regardless of these most recent studies and recommendations, the history of eggs in the nutritional space has certainly opened the door for confusion and a number of questions, the most common of which concerns their fat content and what that means for you and your diet.
Here’s how much fat is in an egg
A medium-sized egg typically contains around five grams of fat. However, it’s essential to understand that not all fats are created equal. The majority of the fat in an egg is found in the yolk, which is also where most of the egg’s essential nutrients are concentrated. The fat in eggs is primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are considered to be heart-healthy fats.
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How much is too much?
Many often question how many eggs a day would be considered healthy consumption and the simple answer would be that it depends. Although the recommendations have improved over that last few decades, the safe consumption amount is going to vary from person to person and consulting with a physician or a nutrition expert is always a recommendation. If you are someone with cardiovascular disease or high cholesterol, your fat intake levels may look very different than an otherwise healthy individual.
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Egg benefits without the fat
If you’re concerned about fat intake, you can still enjoy the nutritional benefits of eggs without consuming too much fat. Egg whites can be separated from the yolk for a fat-free option that is packed with protein. Alternatively, you can strike a balance by consuming whole eggs in moderation as part of a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods. Some cardiologists suggest that one egg a day can be a safe number for your cholesterol, while delivering nutrients like protein and vitamin D.
At the end of they day, eggs are a nutrient powerhouse that offer a range of health benefits, including a good source of healthy fats, high quality protein and important vitamins and minerals. So go ahead and enjoy your eggs guilt-free, knowing that they’re a wholesome addition to a balanced diet.
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