
Depression can affect your daily life. Learn about different types of depression, causes, and how to cope with it.

Depression: How Can I Tell If I’m Depressed?

It can be difficult to know if you've gone from feeling depressed to having a major depressive disorder. Here's what you should know about depression.


21 Depression Memes that May Make You Feel a Little Better

Humor can help you deal with day-to-day darkness. And one way to laugh is with depression memes.

How to Deal with Depression: What Worked for 16 Real-Life People

From meds to exercise to experimental therapies, people break through the isolation and get real about the things that made...

Depression Quotes That Capture Exactly What You’re Feeling

You'll laugh. You'll cry. And then hopefully you'll feel just a little bit less alone in your struggles.

Depression vs. Anxiety: How to Tell the Difference

These are two of the most common mental health conditions in the United States, but getting good treatment depends on...

10 Foods That May Help Fight Depression

Treatment for depression can be a complicated process involving both therapy and medication. But one often-overlooked factor is nutrition.

New Research: If You Do This on the Way To Work, It Could Be Affecting Your Health

Reproductive health researchers found a rarely discussed "pathway" between the effect and its unexpected cause.

New Study Says Pooping This Often May Lower Your Risk of Brain Disorder

A healthy bowel movement has a way of lightening the mood—and a new study by medical researchers in China...

65 or Older? A New Study Says Living Here Could Cut Your Depression Risk in Half

Researchers in Asia identified specific activities, and a frequency of doing them, that could help overcome the risk.

New Research: This is the #1 Exercise for Reducing Depression Symptoms

Plus, doctors' fascinating scientific formula helps you determine exactly how long—and how hard—it would help to move your body each...

I Took the New Postpartum Depression Pill—Here’s What Happened

A new mom shares how the recently approved two-week postpartum depression drug was a game-changer to combat a notably common...

‘Weekend Catch-Up Sleep’ Can Lower the Risk of a Disorder That Affects 30% of Americans,...

You have our permission to read this, then go back to bed: New science says a good sleep-in session can...

Can Depression Cause Memory Loss? A Neurology Expert Explains

Depression causes sadness, fatigue and lack of interest in things that otherwise bring us joy. But can depression cause...

8 Things To Say to Someone Who Is Depressed

Mental health experts share their go-to phrases when talking to someone about depression—along with the three things you should...

The U.S. Surgeon General Just Announced a Loneliness Epidemic

Half of Americans report loneliness. Public health officials call it an epidemic that poses a risk as deadly as smoking...

Signs of Seasonal Depression? 7 Simple Strategies to Help You Feel Better

Doctors' tips to manage seasonal affective disorder are super accessible. Plus, here's who's most at risk for seasonal depression.

Healing My Gut with Probiotics Relieved My Depression: I Tried It

Her young daughter's headaches led this worried mom to follow a doctor's dietary advice, which turned out to help...

The 7 Best Sunrise Alarm Clocks for Seasonal Affective Disorder, From Shoppers

Seasonal depression affects a reported 25 percent of us—but also, who couldn't use some support to sleep better? To help...

What to Know About CBD and Depression

CBD is believed to alleviate anxiety symptoms, but can it also help treat depression? Here's what science...

Low-Grade Depression Risk During Coronavirus—How to Protect Yourself

Protect your mental health and learn about dysthymia (low-grade depression) and why it's a risk during Covid-19.

Depression During Quarantine: 13 Mental Health Tips from Therapists

Mental health experts offer tips to cope with depression during the coronavirus quarantine or if you or a loved...

36 Depression Quotes That Capture Exactly What You’re Feeling

You may laugh, and you may cry. But hopefully you'll feel a little less alone in your struggles after reading...

10 Signs That You Might Be Depressed

When negative feelings linger and begin to take a toll on your job, health, or relationships, it's time to see...

13 Common Words and Phrases That May Signal Depression

We all say these phrases from time to time, but if you notice yourself or a loved one using them...

How to Deal with a Depressed Spouse

If you think your partner may be depressed, your first step is to pay attention to the clues to get...

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14 Things to Never Say to Someone with Depression

Even if you have the best of intentions, these tidbits of advice may hurt someone with depression more than they...

12 Ways to Help Someone with Depression, According to Psychologists

It can be tough to know what to do or say, so use these ideas straight from mental health professionals...

8 Signs You Could Have High-Functioning Depression

Just because you're not too sad and listless to get out of bed doesn't mean you may not be depressed....

13 Suicide Warning Signs That Are Easy to Miss

Death by suicide is on the rise, and anyone can be at risk. Learn the subtle signs that someone might...

10 Best Supplements for Depression Worth Trying

Everyone is different, but some form of talk therapy and antidepressants (if you need them) are likely the best bets...

Nicer People Are More Prone to This Mental Health Disorder

We're all encouraged to be nice, but it turns out this positive quality can be a very real negative.