Doctors, dieticians, and nutritionists divulge which healthy foods they load in their shopping carts.
7 Vitamin-Packed Foods Health Experts Eat

Blueberries! Raspberries! Strawberries! Blackberries! They’re all jammed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. “A bowl of berries is what most nutritionists have when they’re craving something sweet,” Keri Glassman, RD, told “We favor super-dark berries, like blueberries and blackberries, because they have the highest doses of those powerful antioxidants.”

Avocados are incredibly delicious, versatile, and nutrient dense, according to Lauren Talbot, certified clinical nutritionist, on her blog A great source of healthy monounsaturated fat, Talbot notes that avocados are richer in heart-healthy potassium than bananas, and are packed with vitamins like K, A, C, and E. Because they are high in calories, aim for no more than one-quarter of an avocado per day.

“Dietitians recommend including eggs in our diet because they have a high nutritional value, are an excellent source of protein, only 70 to 80 calories each, low in saturated fat and keep you satiated,” according to Halle Elbling, RD, in an article on “They are also full of nutrients such as iron, B vitamins, disease-fighting carotenoids and minerals including folate, which is recommended for pregnant women.” You can choose eggs that are lower in saturated fat and higher in vitamins D, E, and B12 such as those from Eggland’s Best.

Almond milk
Nutritionists are big fans of unsweetened almond milk. “It has a consistency similar to cow’s milk but half the calories—and you still get vitamin E,” Carolyn Brown, RD, told “I love using almond milk in smoothies, and I also swap it for milk when I make oatmeal and pudding.”

This dark, leafy veggie deserves its high-ranking place on many superfoods lists. “Inside those curly, deep green leaves are such goodies as beta-carotene, calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A, C and K—in far larger quantities than you’ll find in most other vegetables,” wrote author and expert Frank Lipman, MD, on

Many varieties of fish are high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids while providing lean protein, making seafood a go-to lunch or dinner among health pros. “A piece of grilled fish—served with a green salad and broccoli tossed with lemon juice, garlic, and olive oil—is a delicious, healthy meal,” Andrew Weil, MD, director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, told “There’s evidence that anti-inflammatory foods like these enhance both physical and emotional health.” Weil has said he chooses sustainable fish and those low in contaminants, such as sardines.

Studies show that eating nuts can help protect against heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. “Almonds are a great nutritious snack, high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats,” Glassman told The protein and fat will help you stay satisfied, she noted, which can curb your appetite and may help you lose weight.