
It’s important to know what you’re putting into your body. Learn about nutrition for healthy eating.

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How to Gain Weight: 13 Foods to Help You Add Pounds if You’re Underweight

If you're underweight—or are dropping pounds for no clear reason—your first stop should be a doctor’s office. If you get...

14 Foods with Way More Sugar than You Realize

Caution: You will probably find some of your favorite foods on this list. Before you huff and puff, remember the...

11 Sneaky Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D provides several health benefits, from strong bones to boosting the immune system. Could you have...

10 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Start Eating More Fiber

Eating enough fiber not only helps keep you regular, it can help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, and decrease your...

15 Anti-Aging Supplements Worth Buying

The anti-aging supplements that may be worth buying according to health experts, from glucosamine to zinc.

10 Ways Your Body Is Telling You You’re Running Low on Key Vitamins

Your body gives you a lot of information, including what's going on inside that you may not be able to...

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13 Vitamins and Supplements Nutritionists Take to Boost Their Immune System

We asked registered dietitians what vitamins, herbs, or other supplements they take for immune system support.

Why McDonald’s Salads May Not Be as Healthy as They Seem

You may think McDonald's salads are a healthier choice, but you might be better off ordering something else from the...

This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Eating Carbs

Low-carb diets are as popular as ever, but the jury's still out on how effective—and safe—they are.

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10 Things That Could Happen When You Eat More Turmeric

Turmeric is thought to have anti-inflammatory properties, but do you know which parts of the body it may benefit the...

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This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Chocolate

The benefits of chocolate begin immediately after you take that first bite.

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The 5 Healthiest Nuts You Can Eat

Nuts are great sources of healthy fats, and the healthiest nuts contain nutrients that may help lower cholesterol and more.

16 Vitamins (and Supplements) Nutritionists Don’t Take—So You Shouldn’t Either

Whether the pills interact with medications or the health claims don't hold up, these vitamins and other...

12 Vitamin Mistakes You Might Not Realize You’re Making

Vitamins and supplements, which some 50 percent of Americans take regularly, might optimize your health—if you're smart about how you...

16 Vitamins (and Supplements) Doctors Actually Take Every Day

Medical professionals share the vitamins and supplements they take, from vitamin D to omega-3, to optimize their overall health.

7 Vitamins (and Supplements) Doctors Always Take on Vacation

Keep your immune system strong and your stress levels calm—even when you're getting away from it all. Take a lesson...

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8 Things That Happen to Your Body When You Don’t Eat Enough Fruits and Veggies

You might not love ’em, but here’s why you should eat your fruits and veggies anyway.

35 Ways Nutritionists Sneak More Protein Into Their Diet

If you're trying to gain muscle mass, strength, or more energy, get ready to pack in the protein. Here's...

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6 Lower-Calorie Options for People Who Love Cheese

For people who are calorie-conscious, note that these are the cheeses with the fewest calories.

12 Silent Signs You Should Be Eating More Carbs

Carbs may have a bad reputation, but they can be rich in nutrients and essential for optimal body function. Here...

What Are Lectins—and Do You Need to Avoid Them?

Some health experts are urging people to avoid lectins, found in plant proteins. But aren't plant foods supposed to be...

8 Vitamins That Can Be a Total Waste of Money—and Could Even Be Dangerous

When it comes to supplements, more is not always better.

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40 Sneaky Nicknames for Sugar You Might Not Recognize

Just because the word "sugar" isn't on a food label's ingredients list doesn't mean there are no sugary sweeteners in...

22 Warning Signs Your Vitamins Aren’t Going to Work

Avoid buying into the false claims of vitamins and dietary supplements. Here are some warning signs that they aren't going...

The 6 Best Probiotic Foods for Your Gut (That Aren’t Yogurt)

One of the most astonishing recent health discoveries is how much our gut microbiome impacts our health. When it comes...

7 Silent Signs You Aren’t Getting Enough Vitamins

Even healthy eaters may fall short of key vitamins and minerals. See if you have any of these symptoms of...

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17 Nutritionists Reveal Their Top Healthy-Eating Secrets

How do registered dietitians eat to stay in tip-top health? Borrow a few of their best tips for an instant...

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13 Secrets Hidden in Your Nutrition Labels

Bug parts, beaver glands, and fish bladders: You'll never believe what those unpronounceable words on your food's ingredient lists actually...