New Data: This Is the State with the Highest Number of Older Mothers
In a period that’s made us more sensitive to reproductive health matters, a firm identified several states where women might feel most supported.

“What I Wish I’d Known About Pregnancy”: A Doctor Details What Expectant Parents S...
Expert MDs deliver the inside scoop on pregnancy, including the must-knows and the "wish I'd knowns" from those who've been...

New Study: This Women’s Health Diagnosis Spikes Dementia Risk
It's painful enough to go through it—now scientists in Asia have pinpointed a curious association with memory loss significantly later...

“What I Wish I’d Known About Preeclampsia”: A Patient’s Experience, a Doctor...
An expert MD and patient share insights on what you need to know about this high-risk pregnancy condition.

“What I Wish I’d Known About Breastfeeding”: A Doctor Answers Common Patient Quest...
An expert doctor shares what expectant parents should know on the best practices surrounding breastfeeding.

IVF Is Now Covered by Insurance in This State
The new law means that roughly nine million residents will be covered by insurance come summer 2025.

New National Data: Less Than 20% of This Vulnerable Group Are Getting Their Covid Vaccine
For pregnant individuals, the shot shows significant evidence of being doubly beneficial in life-saving ways—here's what experts have found.

“What I Wish I’d Known About IVF”: A Patient’s Story and an Expert Doctor...
Most patients don't know they'll need fertility treatment until a problem occurs. "It's our work to do before going into...

Here’s How COVID-19 Impacts Male Fertility, Says New Study
While prior research has focused on Covid's impact on female reproductive health, a recent study done in Japan examines the...

Here’s How Smoking Weed Affects Fertility, According to an Infertility Doctor
With marijuana use on the rise in young people in particular, fertility experts are calling attention to the potential long-term...

Does Smoking Weed Affect Sperm? Here’s What a Men’s Infertility Doctor Says
Infertility is on the rise, and so is marijuana use. Experts, including Cleveland Clinic urologist with a concentration in male...

“Here’s How I Knew I Was Pregnant, on Birth Control”: One Mother’s Story
While the chance of pregnancy on this contraceptive method is low, it remains a possibility. A mother recounts her experience:...

New Research: Using Your Cell Phone This Many Times Each Day Can Seriously Harm Fertility
It's called a "cell phone" for a reason: A new Swiss study highlights how a ubiquitous habit might be playing...

Erin Andrews’ Journey to Motherhood After Cervical Cancer: ‘It Was a Beautiful Process’
The 45-year-old sideline reporter and new mom opens up about the relatable pain of fertility struggles: "You never want to think...

This Is the #1 Best Pregnancy Diet for Your Baby’s Health, Says New Study
A nutrition expert confirms how two particular foods may benefit a child years after birth. Here's a belly full of...

A Generous Mom Just Broke a World Record for the Most Breast Milk Ever Donated
After testing dozens of breast pumps over the past nine years to donate nearly 400,000 ounces to babies in need,...

What Is ‘Vaginal Seeding’? Medical Doctors Explain
Vaginal seeding is an emerging practice that research says is showing promise in one particular area of health, according to...

These Are the 6 Best Foods for People Trying to Get Pregnant, Say Experts
"Dietary changes should always be the first place any couple should start," says one hormone health expert. Here are the...

How Much Does IVF Cost in 2023? Fertility Doctors Share the Pointers to Consider
One in five women of childbearing age will have trouble getting pregnant "naturally." Aware of today's economic woes, two fertility...

Chrissy Teigen on Birth After Pregnancy Loss: “You Breathe a Sigh of Relief”
About a private parenting choice, Chrissy Teigen told us: “I believe in science and ... the advancements of the medical...

What Is Lightning Crotch and Why Does It Happen?
That sudden shooting pain through your pelvis or vagina during pregnancy has a name: lightning crotch. Learn why it happens...

9 New Ways We Can Now Prevent and Treat Birth Defects
One in 33 babies is born with a birth defect. Today, innovative, pioneering technologies and procedures can help save babies'...

8 Ways to Prevent Birth Defects Before and During Pregnancy
All people want to give their babies the best beginning they can, and here are some ways to help prevent...

5 Gentle Ways to Heal Emotionally After a Miscarriage
While the physical healing can be over in hours or days, the emotional wounds may run deeper. Use these psychologist-approved...

9 Things to Never Say to a Friend Who’s Had a Miscarriage
It's easy to blurt out the wrong things, even when you mean well. These are the phrases and topics to...

5 Gentle Ways to Heal Emotionally After a Miscarriage
While the physical healing can be over in hours or days, the emotional wounds may run deeper. Use these psychologist-approved...

11 Silent Signs of Preeclampsia Every Woman Should Know
Learning to recognize the subtle warning signs of this serious pregnancy complication could save your baby’s life—and your own.

9 Symptoms of Ovulation You Might Be Missing
Whether you're trying to get pregnant or not, watching for these signs of ovulation is a great way to get...

This Woman Performed Her Own Cesarean Section—and Survived
With no one around but her other children, Ines Ramirez Perez did the seemingly impossible to save the life of...

10 Very Early Pregnancy Symptoms You Might Miss
If you're looking for the earliest warning signs that you're expecting, these are the signs that will tell you the...