Have a Chronic Illness? Here’s a Gentle Script to Set Boundaries, from a Psychotherapist and B...
Therapist and New York Times bestselling author Lori Gottlieb wants you to feel comfortable expressing your needs related asthma or another chronic illness.

Am I Having an Asthma Attack? How to Tell and What to Do
Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs and an asthma attack can be serious. These are the...

7 Things You Should Know About Adult-Onset Asthma
While more common in children, asthma can appear at any time in life—and adult-onset asthma can be dangerous...

What to Know About Eosinophilic Asthma
Eosinophilic asthma is a rare but often severe type of asthma. Learn why experts say it can be dangerous—and...

6 Nebulizers for Kids That Make Treatments a Little Easier
If your child has difficulty breathing due to asthma or any other medical condition, a nebulizer designed for kids...

I Had an Asthma Attack in My 20s, the Worst One in Years
One woman shares what it was like to have a severe asthma attack in her 20s, and how she finally...

6 Portable Nebulizers to Treat Asthma on the Go
If you live with asthma, these portable and handheld nebulizers can make it easier to treat your symptoms...

This Is What Asthma Feels Like From People Who Know
Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath are all common signs of asthma. But what do asthma symptoms actually feel...

What Doctors Need You to Know About Asthma Medications
Here's the inside scoop on the medications that control asthma and help people with the condition lead normal, healthy...

15 Home Remedies for Asthma That Experts Recommend
Home remedies for asthma, from coffee to fish oil, won't replace your medications, but they can manage triggers and...

Your Guide to Asthma Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Asthma is a potentially deadly chronic illness that impacts 25 million Americans. Here's what to know about the symptoms and...

Here are 8 Asthma Symptoms in Adults You Should Know
A lingering cough, feeling run down, and shortness of breath aren't things you should brush off—they can be symptoms of...

Here’s How Allergies and Asthma Are Linked
Does stopping to smell the roses literally take your breath away? It might be allergic asthma. Find out more about...

6 Symptoms of Asthma Every Adult Should Know
Some 18 million adult Americans suffer from asthma, a condition in which inflamed airways make breathing difficult. Wheezing—a whistling...

10 Clear Signs You Have Exercise-Induced Asthma
If you feel out of shape for no reason, the real reason could be exercise-induced asthma—which you can develop...

Dust Allergy? 7 Smart Strategies to Get Rid of the Dust in Your House
More than 90 percent of household dust comes from tiny flakes of skin and barely visible fabric fibers that float...

The Scary Side Effect of Using Inhalers You Need to Know About
If you're an older adult, and you use an inhaler to deal with asthma or COPD, you may be putting...

Can Fish Oil Treat Asthma? Signs Point to Yes
If you have asthma, you may want to start popping fish oil supplements. Here's why.

5 of the Best Foods to Prevent Asthma Symptoms (And 3 That Make It Worse)
Your diet can play a big role in the severity of your asthma symptoms. Here's how to eat to...