Fight disease, reduce pain, look younger; find out why sex might be the key to a long and healthy life.
7 Unexpected Health Benefits You Get from Sex

It helps you breathe easier
Sex is reputedly a natural antihistamine, helping to combat hay fever and asthma symptoms. Try out these steamy tricks to boost your sex drive.

You’ll look younger
One of the benefits of sex is youthful looks, according to a study of 3,500 people age 18 to 102 conducted by the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland. Researchers attributed this to reductions in stress, greater contentment, and better sleep, all of which are also associated with sexual activity. Not only does it help you look younger, studies show sex can help you live longer. These are surprising reasons that sex might be painful for you.

It can help your body fight disease
Engaging in sex once or twice a week produces 30 percent higher levels of immunoglobulin A, which boosts your body’s immune system. Scientists have also found that having an active sex life may even lower your risk of developing cancer, heart disease, and stroke. On top of all that, one of the benefits of sex is that it’s a remedy for colds and flu. Try out these habits of connected couples to have better sex tonight.

It burns calories
Like any exercise, sexual intercourse burns fat and calories—about 96 calories in 20 minutes for a 150-lb. person. That means it’ll burn off the calories from that extra glass of wine at dinner (which may have been what put you in the mood in the first place!). These nutrition strategies can lead to a stronger sex drive.

It reduces pain
Studies show that vaginal stimulation results in increased pain tolerance, and pleasurable self-stimulation of the clitoris also has an analgesic effect. Researchers report that this type of stimulation can ease the pain of menstrual cramps, arthritis, migraine, and other conditions. Here is how you can improve your sex life in just one day.

It helps you live longer—if you do it often enough
A Welsh longitudinal study examined the relationship between mortality and frequency of sexual activity. Researchers found that the risk of dying in any one year was 50 percent lower among men who had sex twice or more a week than among men who had sex less than once a month. Even when controlling for such factors as age, social class and smoking status, the study concluded that the more sex, the better.

It promotes a feeling of well-being
One of the many benefits of sex is that it fosters everything from sexual and reproductive health to happiness. And one U.S. study of more than 1,800 people found that surges in oxytocin and endorphins (which have an apparent sedative effect) occurred as a result of orgasm, explaining why sex often leads to falling asleep. Next, read about what happens to your body when you stop having sex.