The foods and drinks to avoid to limit flare-ups of this itchy skin affliction.
7 Foods You Eat That Make Your Psoriasis Worse

Chili peppers
Spicy food: You either love it or hate it. But if you have psoriasis, a common condition resulting in thick, itchy, red patches of skin, it’s important to eat chili peppers—and possibly also curry, paprika and other spices—in moderation, as too much can lead to long-term chronic inflammation. Alleviate symptoms of stressed skin with these trusted home remedies for psoriasis and eczema.

Tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family of fruits and vegetables, which also includes white potatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Although there is no definitive scientific evidence, many people who have psoriasis believe there’s a connection between nightshades and psoriasis outbreaks. Try eliminating nightshades one by one to see if your psorisis symptoms improve. (Be sure to check out these expert-recommended shampoos for scalp psoriasis relief.)

Full-fat dairy products can help you maintain a healthy weight, but full-fat milk and yogurt can heighten the effects of psoriasis. Instead, try low-fat dairy options and see how your skin reacts. (Learn the 10 things derms wish you knew about scalp psoriasis.)

Sugary cereals
That seemingly healthy breakfast of granola and yogurt could easily be aggravating your psoriasis. Some granolas pack in over 20 grams of sugar and corn syrup! Sugar is known to increase inflammatory receptors in your body, according to Harvard University researchers.

Frozen dinners
Did someone say chicken pot pie? Yes, the smell of that flaky buttery crust warming in the microwave is tempting, but like sugar, processed foods can hike the amount of inflammation in your body. If you are short on time, look for meals with 500 mg or less of sodium. (Here’s what every man should know about psoriasis.)

A glass of alcohol a day has been shown to lower levels of inflammation, but guzzle more than that, and you risk the opposite effect, as excessive amounts of liquor increases inflammation.

Up to 25 percent of patients with psoriasis may also be sensitive to gluten, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation. Without extensive medical testing, the only way to know if gluten triggers flares is to cut it out entirely.