Here’s the Best Position to Sleep in If You Snore, Says a Sleep Doctor
It's natural to think snoring is a result of what's happening in the nose and the nasal passage, but a Stanford sleep medicine doctor says another issue should concern some snorers most.

7 Great Things That Could Happen Once You Get a CPAP Machine
This revolutionary machine treats the snoring of sleep apnea, a potentially life-threatening condition. Here is what CPAP users say about...

8 Home Remedies for Sleep Apnea Without CPAP
You can try these simple tricks and foods to treat sleep apnea before you resort to CPAP.

9 Silent Signs of Sleep Apnea You’re Ignoring
Loud snoring isn’t the only symptom of sleep apnea. If you notice any of the following less obvious sleep apnea...

This Is What It’s Really Like to Sleep with a CPAP Machine
A CPAP machine treats sleep apnea—but what's it really like to sleep with a mask blowing air into your face...

16 Things Sleep Doctors Wish You Knew About Snoring
While about half of the snoring population is simply making noise, the other half is dealing with a life-threatening condition...

13 Signs Your Sleep Apnea Could Be Killing You
Sleep apnea is dangerous to your health when left untreated. Michael J. Breus, PhD, aka The Sleep Doctor, shares the...

11 Home Remedies for Snoring You’ll Wish You Tried Sooner
Snoring can make a good night's sleep tricky for you and your partner. Try these natural home remedies to stop...