Do You Have an Under-active Thyroid? This 90-Second Quiz Helps You Find Out
Around 10% of American adults have hypothyroidism. Medical doctors helped us develop this quiz to help you determine whether your thyroid hormone levels need to be checked out.

Should You Get Your Thyroid Hormone Levels Checked?
Your thyroid gland controls many aspects in your body. When hormone levels are out of whack you can experience mood...

Hyperthyroidism vs. Hypothyroidism: What’s the Difference?
Learn the difference between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, and what to do if you may have thyroid disease.

The Thyroid Cancer Symptoms I Ignored—But You Shouldn’t
My sneezing, coughing, and wheezing seemed like springtime allergy symptoms—but they turned out to be thyroid cancer.

Here’s How to Tell if You Have a Hidden Thyroid Problem
Could you be suffering from hypothyroidism? Here are the symptoms to check for and how to cope if you do...

18 Things Your Doctor Wants You to Know About Thyroid Problems
More than 20 million Americans will get hit by thyroid disease or disorder—and 60 percent of them won't even realize...

9 Medical Causes of a Slow Metabolism
What's really causing that weight gain and sluggish feeling? These hidden factors may surprise you.

6 Thyroid Cancer Symptoms You Should Never Ignore
If you’ve noticed these signs, you could have thyroid cancer in need of treatment.

13 Thyroid Symptoms to Watch Out For
The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, produces hormones essential for metabolism and brain activity. Symptoms of a thyroid...

12 Medical Reasons You’re Always Cold
Constantly reaching for a sweater? Experts share what might be behind your shivers.

12 Signs of Hashimoto’s Disease Everyone Should Know
In Hashimoto's disease, the same immune system you depend on to fight infection turns on you, producing antibodies that attack...

13 Thyroid Facts Everyone Should Know
Your thyroid controls your heart rate, your respiration, major organs, and your metabolism. That's why no one should take this...

8 Health Problems You Can Totally Blame on Your Thyroid
A thyroid that is overactive (hyperthyroidism), underactive (hypothyroidism), or has developed structural issues (a nodule or tumor) could be the...

10 Foods that Thyroid Experts Avoid—and 3 that They Love
Some foods touted as nutritional superstars—like kale and millet—might not be the best choices for the health of your thyroid...

6 Little Healthy Habits That Make Your Thyroid Happy
Your thyroid gland plays a key role in your overall wellness—here’s how to help it help you so you avoid...

This Is Exactly What Happens to Your Body on an Adrenaline Rush
Ever felt a surge of energy when faced with an exciting or dangerous situation? That's an adrenaline rush. Here's what's...