These Weight Loss Before and After Photos Are Just the Motivation We Need
Making any kind of change is hard—and it's even harder when results aren't immediate. Check out these amazing weight loss before and after pictures to give you just the motivation you need to take the first step to a new and healthier you.

11 Foods Successful Keto Dieters Never Eat
A lot of tasty foods are OK for keto eaters—avocado, fish, and butter, for example. Some other delicious foods might...

Can Collagen Really Help You Lose Weight?
Collagen may boost skin health, but its role in weight loss is unclear. Here's what to know about...

15 Weight Loss Smoothies That’ll Help You Slim Down
Forget those $15 juices—loaded with sugar and lacking in fiber—and reach for one of these digestion-boosting, nutritionist-recommended weight loss smoothies,...

14 of the Most Impressive Keto Diet Before-and-After Pictures
If you’re looking for dieting inspiration, it’s hard to beat keto diet before-and-after pictures. These people show how amazing the...

How Real People Lost Weight on the Whole30 Diet
If you’ve ever heard of the Whole30 diet, you’ve probably heard about how limiting it is. But some people have...

What Is Ozempic Face? 2 Expert Doctors Explain Semaglutide Facial Changes
Cleveland Clinic experts reveals what's behind "Ozempic face," and list the semaglutide-associated symptoms that can call for medical attention.

How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month? A Cleveland Clinic Obesity Doctor Reveals an Optimally Heal...
An expert Cleveland Clinic doctor reveals how much weight you can safely lose in a month and strategies to help...

10 Lowest-Calorie Alcoholic Drinks, Listed by a Clinical Expert
Looking to raise a glass but lower your calorie intake? A Cleveland Clinic nutrition clinician reveals the lowest-calorie alcoholic drinks...

Intermittent Fasting and Heart Attacks: Doctors Address the Link
Two heart doctors share if you should be concerned about intermittent fasting heart attacks and weigh in on just who...

7 Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise, from a Doctor of Obesity Medicine
When you can't fit a workout into every day, an expert MD in obesity medicine lists the most impactful ways...

The Best Time to Exercise to Burn Belly Fat ~!@#$%^&*()`”:?><,./';
If it would be nice to trim your waistline this season, research suggests you exercise during these particular hours.

New Data: Nearly 50% of Weight-Loss Drug Patients Saw Lower Consumption of This, Too
"For healthcare providers, these findings suggest that anti-obesity medications may offer dual benefits," one doctor reports of the research.

Experts: A Popular Weight Loss Drug Has Caused 10 Deaths—What Consumers Should Know
A particular formulation of semaglutide is presenting hazards that a major pharmaceutical company is warning customers about.

Does Standing Burn Calories? Expert Doctors Speak to the Science
Looking for any shortcut to get more in shape? Multiple medical doctors told us just a little added effort can...

Weight Loss Supplements Sold On Amazon, Etsy, and Other Websites Have Been Recalled for Toxic Substa...
The FDA's caution about a growing list of brands may serve as a reminder that many over-the-counter weight loss products...

Eat This One Breakfast To Lose Weight and Lower Your Blood Sugar, New Study Says
Call it a comfort food in more ways than one—and the chilly season is the perfect time to incorporate more...

Here’s How Much Protein You Need To Eat Each Day To Lose Weight, an Expert Doctor Says
An expert MD in obesity medicine serves up the facts on how much protein you need to trim down and...

Have Flat Feet? That Could Have This Association with Your Weight, Finds New Study
A fascinating new European study suggests that foot arch height may show a unique relationship to long-term body mass, beginning...

Can Anxiety Cause Weight Loss? Experts Explain
Mental health experts weigh in on whether the emotional turbulence you experience can tip the scales on your physical health.

How Much Weight Can You Lose on Semaglutides? Board-Certified Obesity Doctors Explain
Experts, including a Cleveland Clinic obesity doctor, weigh in on whether certain popular weight loss medications are more effective—or safer—than...

I Took the “Ozempic Probiotic”—Here’s What Happened
We earn no revenue from the sale of this product, nor is the brand sponsoring this story. But for anyone...

Here’s When You Should Eat on Semaglutides, According to a Doctor of Obesity Medicine
A triple-board-certified MD serves up whether there's a prime time to dine that could improve your weight loss success and...

5 Foods To Avoid on Semaglutides, Listed by a Doctor of Obesity Medicine
Why gum? A medical doctor with weight loss expertise shares the foods it's wise to avoid while on some injectables...

6 Foods To Eat on Semaglutides, Listed by a Doctor of Obesity Medicine
A triple-board-certified MD of lifestyle and obesity medicine lists the foods that will optimize your medication's efficacy and minimize unwanted...

A Sought-After Weight-Loss & Diabetes Drug Has Been Recalled Nationwide
It appears to be an off-brand version of a coveted injectable—and a doctor cautions the error could have concerning health...

Does Sweating Burn Calories? Here’s What Exercise Physiology Experts Say
For anyone trying to shed weight, it's appealing to think of sweat as evidence of calories burning. We asked...

“Here’s What Happened When I Stopped Taking Ozempic”: One Patient’s Story Na...
Did she gain the weight back? Here's what she says, plus more mindful takeaways for the reported 15 million Americans...

Eating at This Time Is Associated With Significant Weight Gain, Says New Study
The study sought to understand and troubleshoot "circadian misalignment," and even found the bedtime length that promoted the greatest weight...

The Best Way to Keep Weight Off? Weigh Yourself This Often, Says New Study
The all-female research team was encouraged by the results because weight loss maintenance was possible without stepping on...