Use these common objects to properly size your servings without weighing everything you eat.
Portion Distortion Quiz: Guess the Right Serving Sizes

What’s the serving size for cereal?
a) the size of a baseball
b) the size of two baseballs
c) the size of a baseball cut in half

What’s the serving size for cereal?
A cup of cold cereal is the size of a baseball.

What’s the serving size for pasta?
a) the size of a baseball
b) the size of two baseballs
c) the size of a baseball cut in half

What’s the serving size for pasta?
A half cup of pasta or rice is the size of a baseball cut in half.

What’s the serving size for meat?
a) the size of a deck of cards
b) the size of two decks of cards, side by side
c) the size of two decks of cards, stacked on top of each other

What’s the serving size for meat?
A 3-ounce (85 gram) serving of cooked meat is the size of a deck of cards.

What’s the serving size for fish?
a) the size of half a checkbook
b) the size of a checkbook
c) the size of two checkbooks, stacked

What’s the serving size for fish?
A 3-ounce (85 gram) serving of fish is the size of a checkbook.

What’s the serving size for an ounce of cheese?
a) the size of two dice
b) the size of four dice
c) the size of six dice

What’s the serving size for an ounce of cheese?
An ounce (30 gram) of cheese is the size of four dice.

What’s the serving size for sliced cheese?
a) the size of a CD
b) the size of two CDs, stacked
c) the size of three CDs, stacked

What’s the serving size for sliced cheese?
An ounce (30 gram) of sliced cheese is the diameter of a CD.

What’s the serving size for baked potatoes?
a) the size of a bar of soap
b) the size of two bars of soap
c) the size of a bar of soap cut in half

What’s the serving size of a baked potato?
A medium baked potato is the size of a personal-size bar of soap.

What’s the serving size for peanut butter?
a) the size of a marble
b) the size of a ping-pong ball
c) the size of a tennis ball

What’s the serving size for peanut butter?
Two tablespoons of peanut butter is the size of a ping-pong ball.

What’s the serving size for salad dressing?
a) the size of one shot glass
b) the size of two shot glasses
c) the size of half a shot glass

What’s the serving size for salad dressing?
Two tablespoons of salad dressing is the size of a shot glass.

What’s the serving size for juice?
a) the size of a small yogurt container
b) the size of a medium yogurt container
c) the size of a large yogurt container

What’s the serving size for juice?
A 6-ounce (180 milliliter) serving of juice is the size of a small yogurt container.

What’s the serving size for fruit?
a) the size of a tennis ball
b) the size of two tennis balls
c) the size of half a tennis ball

What’s the serving size for fruit?
A medium piece of fruit, such as an apple, is the size of a tennis ball.